We all know that some Canadian univ. campuses are places of Jew hate and anti Israel activity mostly by Leftists and ARAB IslamoNazis nomads in Palestina( diabolical masters of hate, ISLAM.) It's unfortunate that students like sheep don't really know that this is what Islam does. They despise non believers and have learned how to use propaganda from the nazis to use non believers,also using victimhood as another tool. During WW2 their grand mufti al- Husseini (of Jerusalem) installed there by the Brits. joined the Germans and spent the war in Berlin as a friend of Hitler. Husseini helped Hitler by providing him with recruits from the mid.east for an SS Handschar division in Yugoslavia's Holocaust.The nazis knew by propaganda how to entice the Arabs to fight against the Brits and so helped the nazis against the Jews. They(Islam) also learned the nazis propaganda technique by which they fooled many people during the wars with Israel and now use it on the students. They just want to subjugate us so that they can install their Kaaba rock god, Allah,(formally known as the pagan rock god al-iliah )& the Koran and Sharia law with all it's warts. The bottom line is that these sheep like students with Virtual brains are being used as TOOLS FOR AND BY ISLAM to further THEIR goal instead of pushing back to save our own society.Schools (I refer them to schools as the students don't seem to show much grey matter) like Ottawa u.,u Toronto (Scarborough),Concordia, ,Ryerson, and York students have chosen to join the boycott,divestment,and sanctions (BDS) plan of which the united church of Canada, decided to pay homage to Luther in adapting the same anti Jew sentiments,in so doing, show that they don't care about what Islam is doing to Christians, BDS is really BIGOTRY,DISHONESTY,SHAME. Israel the only democracy in the mid. east, is the only place where Christians are safe and are treated medically when they come across the Israeli border So the next time(s) the united churches pray to the son of God perhaps they should inform him in that prayer that they HATE HIM BECAUSE HE'S A JEW!
Here's a few gadgets that maybe u Virtual brains can boycott. How about iphones,flash drives,instant messaging,voice mail,Word,Excel,Intel processors are SOME of Israel's high tech stuff. why not boycott those? you will be laughed at!
Where possible I suggest that good people ignore these Virtual brains and not patronize their kinds of institutions of hate, for today its Jews and tomorrow its Xians,(already seen) and other minorities( if that is what Islamic students decide).Islam is already destroying those ancient religions. Remember as Virtual brains you're being used as their tools similar to what Hamas did during the recent Hamas Israel war when they used their civilians as human shields.
Remember,we are all non believers(thank God). As for the boycott effect on Israel,NONE. The ironic thing is, this stupidity may actually harm the Arab Nomads in Palestina more if west banks products are boycotted
as many of them work for Israeli companies there.
We are in a war of civilization vs a primitive diabolical cult whose aim,by ANY means is to install Islam world wide. Look at the mid.east. Isis,Syria,Iraq,Turkey and Iran at what they're doing to Christians,Jews,Yazidis,etc.They're decapitating and slaughtering people,raping women,slavery,burning people alive,etc. .Do u like what u see? THAT COULD HAPPEN HERE! This cult knows nothing else.Well they do know that the earth is flat like a carpet and the hills on it act as weights to keep it steady. Muhammad also taught in the Koran that there are 7 heavens one beneath the other and it takes 500 years to get from one to the other.. now beneath the 7 heavens there are 7 earths. It also takes 500 years to travel from one earth to another. Clouds are water carriers of the earth which Allah drives to those who don't offer him thanks or call on him. There is a lot more of the same stupidity in their beliefs such as the sun sets in a puddle of water. They have really given nothing to our civilization but pain and death. Death which they prefer over life! Some people say Islam is a sort of alien monster made to look like humans, wanting to subjugate us and install their primitive deity. PUSH BACK NOW. tell the feds. we don't want any more muzzlem immigrants!! Why buy products like figs from Turkey (by the way Turkey should be expelled from NATO as it has become part of the evil Islamists) and dates and oil from Saudi Arabia as they will use that money against us. Check origin before buying anything that might be from any Muslim country. Let's all of us do our part in keeping the menace out! European readers, considering the high antisemitism in Europe I suggest all good people not patronize any commercial establishments showing antisemitism. Its unfortunate that Europe has not learned from the past. As an example, this writer will not buy European merchandise ,cars included. What is troublesome is that these Virtual brain students and United church members support the Islamo Nazis not wanting to realize that these subhumans are the brethern of ISIS,al qaeda,hamas,and hezbollah,the same Koran believing bunch that killed our sons,father,daughters,boyfriends and who are also perpetrators of 9-11, a massacre of about 3000 people in N.Y. In 1400 years of their disastrous existence on this earth, they have murdered 270million souls in all of their battles and wars, figures provided by Bill Warner, investigator and pundit. ISLAMONAZIS ARE OUR ENEMIES,RECOGNIZE THIS AND ACT!
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